Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2007
Verhaltensregeln währrend der Olympia
Zitiert von hier:

要保护奥运知识产权 DO protect Olympic intellectual property

不要买卖盗版制造假冒;DON’T buy or sell pirated goods (oops!)

要遵守奥标保护条例、DO respect laws related to the Olympic logo

不要滥用奥运旗徽歌标;DON’T abuse anything Olympic-related

要牢记交通安全法规、DO keep traffic safety in mind

不要翻越护栏闯灯猛跑;DON’T climb over guardrails or run red lights (especially not at the same time)

>要服从指挥顺序而 行、DO obey the given instructions and move in the correct order

不要违章强行拒绝疏导;DON’T resist crowd control

要美化市容保护环境、DO beautify the city and protect the environment

不要随地吐痰摆摊占道;DON’T spit or put up stalls on the street

要珍惜首都文物古迹、DO cherish the cultural artifacts and historical sites of the capital (that is, if they're still there)

不要误损刻划乱贴广告;DON’T damage appearances by putting up advertisements or leaving graffiti of any sort

要爱护体育场馆设施、DO treasure the facilities at athletic venues

不要寻衅滋事无 理取闹;DON’T incite or encourage unreasonable disturbances

要维护赛场安全秩序、DO preserve peace and order at the athletic venues

不要乱扔杂物自带饮料;DON’T litter or bring your own beverages (you are required to buy RMB 20 bottles of water - this is for the good of your country)

要争做文明守法观众、DO strive to be civilized, law-obeying spectators

不要 赌球倒票妨碍安保;DON’T bet, scalp tickets, or hinder security in any way (note: ticket sales for phase 2 start super soon and you should buy as many as you can)

要提高奥运法律知识、DO try to learn as much as you can about Olympic regulations (because they're fun!)

不要违法违规影响全貌 DON’T break the law or influence the overall picture

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